Assisted Living Licensure

Assisted Living Licensure within the Health Regulation Division of the Minnesota Department of Health oversees and regulates licensed assisted living facility providers in Minnesota. These activities include:

Our mission is to protect, maintain and improve the health of Minnesotans who receive assisted living services.

nurse assisting patient with walker

The Assisted Living Licensure law under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 144G was passed by the 2019 Minnesota Legislature and updated as part of the Legislature's 2020 7th Special Session. The law established regulatory standards governing the provision of housing and services in assisted living facilities and assisted living facilities with dementia care to help ensure the health, safety, well-being, and appropriate treatment of residents. It also authorized the commissioner to adopt rules for all assisted living facilities that promote person-centered planning and service delivery and optimal quality of life, and that ensure resident rights are protected, resident choice is allowed, and public health and safety is ensured.


Sept. 19, 2024: Election and Voting Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities

A Collaboration Between Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care, Long Term Care Imperative, And Office of the Secretary of State. American citizens who live in long-term care facilities in the United States have the right to vote. However, getting to the polls may be hard for some residents. Some assistance or support may be needed for residents to get access to and/or cast a ballot. This document explains ways facilities can reduce the spread of illness while ensuring that residents have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote. Facilities should establish systems to promote and protect resident voting access, though it is important to emphasize that these efforts must be consistent with each facility’s obligation to implement infection control practices that mitigate and reduce the spread of illnesses. This guidance is designed to further these goals, address the existing procedures for resident voting, highlight resident rights on this topic and outline ways to support residents to vote. Read the full Election and Voting Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities.

August 15, 2024: Assisted Living Licensure Quarterly Update call scheduled for August 19 via WebEx

Date: Monday, Aug. 19
Time: 1 – 2:15 p.m.

The Minnesota Department of Health is hosting a quarterly assisted living update webinar for providers to learn about the most recent assisted living licensing and regulation trends. This webinar will be recorded and posted at a later date for those unable to join the live presentation.


Information about how to join the call is available on the Assisted Living Teleconference Calls page.

June 3, 2024: MDH surveys completed on or after July 1, 2024 will be used for new Assisted Living (AL) Report Card ratings

DHS will add new quality ratings based on MDH surveys to its Minnesota Assisted Living Report Card in early 2025. The Resident Health, Safety, and Staffing ratings will be updated quarterly based on MDH completes on or after July 1, 2024. Information about how surveys are conducted can be found on the Be Prepared for Your Survey section of the Forms and Self-Audit Tools.

For more information, including DHS’ schedule for posting new ratings on the AL Report Card and how MDH surveys will be used to calculate report card ratings, see the Assisted Living Report Card information page on the DHS website.

March 18, 2024: MDH releases findings regarding assisted living small providers

In 2023, the Minnesota legislature directed the department of health (MDH) and department of human services (DHS) to “consult with assisted living facility license holders who provide customized living and whose facilities are smaller than 11 beds to compile a list of regulatory requirements, compliance with which is particularly difficult for small providers.” The mandate requires the departments to present the list to the chairs and ranking minority members, along with recommendations for easing regulatory burdens.

Burdens identified

MDH and DHS worked with small providers, provider organizations, consumer advocates, and related state offices and boards, from March 2023 until October 2023, and compiled a list of burdens for small providers:

Workgroup suggestions

The workgroup offered several suggestions to alleviate some of these burdens, which included three potential legislative fixes:

In addition, the workgroup identified many areas where MDH and DHS could optimize processes to increase communication, training, and streamline licensing and payments. Those recommendations are being reviewed and implemented.

Small provider survey

Additionally, MDH and DHS sent out a survey to every licensee who was licensed for 10 or fewer beds in November 2023. The survey, which asked about the burdens that were identified by the workgroup, as well as giving open-ended questions to identify additional burdens, had 28% completion rate by providers. You can find the full results at Assisted Living Small Provider Survey Results Report.

The top burdens identified in the survey were:

  1. Staff retention.
  2. License portability.
  3. Food code requirements.
  4. Reimbursements.
  5. Licensed staff requirements.