Judgment Enforcement in New Jersey: Judgment Collection Techniques

Judgments entered in the Superior Court do not automatically serve as liens on real estate owned by the defendants. The judgment must be submitted for entry on the Civil Judgment and Order Docket, along with a fee of $35.00 (this amount is set forth in N.J.S.A. 22A:2-7), to the Clerk of the Superior Court in Trenton for entry on the Civil Judgment and Order Docket. See Rule 4:101-1. The entry of the judgment on the Civil Judgment and Order Docket "serves as constructive notice to subsequent purchasers, encumbrances and others that the judgment constitutes a lien on the title of the affected property." Brescher v. Gern, Dunetz,
Davison & Weinstein, P.C., 245 N.J. Super 365, 371 (App. Div. 1991).


Fred W. Hoensch

Fred W. Hoensch

Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP


Levy on Personal Property
Bank Accounts and Corporate Stock
Wage Garnishment
Partnership and LLC Charging Order
Levy on Real Property


Fred W. Hoensch

Fred W. Hoensch

Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP

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